ITS Indonesia is one of the leading scientific instruments and solution provider. We specializing in scientific equipment and laboratory furniture.
ITS Science (Phils.) is a scientific instruments and laboratory furniture supplier in Philippines. We offer lab equipment and lab furniture in Philippines.
ITS Vietnam is a laboratory equipment and supplies company specializing in lab equipment supplies and scientific equipment supplies.
ITS Water & Environmental Management Group is a Malaysia waste water treatment company specializing in water filter system and water treatment.
ITS Nutriscience is a Malaysia food ingredients and beverage ingredients supplier specializing in food additives and ingredients.
ITS Interscience is a Malaysia laboratory furniture, laboratory equipment & medical supplies company specializing in laboratory equipment, scientific instruments & medical laboratory supplies.
ITS Science & Medical is a Singapore laboratory equipment and medical equipment company specializing in scientific instruments and medical equipment & supplies.
ITS Labworks is a Malaysia lab furniture manufacturer. We offer laboratory furniture such as fume hood and safety cabinets.
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